Your New Year’s resolution is most likely going to fail.  But don’t feel too bad.  So is mine and so is almost everyone else’s.  That is unless we do something about it!  According to U.S. News, approximately 80% of resolutions fail by the second week of February.

These are the top 10 New Year’s resolutions from 2018 from Statistic  Brain:

  1. Lose Weight/Eat Healthier
  2. Self Improvement
  3. Better Financial Decisions
  4. Quit Smoking
  5. Do More Exciting Stuff
  6. Spend More Time with Family and Friends
  7. Work Out More Frequently
  8. Learn Something New
  9. Do More Good Deeds
  10. Find the Love of My Life

However and even more abysmal stat is tat only 9.2% of us will make our resolutions a reality.  The harsh reality as to why most of us fail comes down to lack of motivation. When things get tough it is easy to fold.  I know I’ve done it countless times.

But let’s make this year different.  Instead of calling it quits when the going gets tough or we think no one is looking – double down and press ahead.  2019 is the year too be resilient.

Find what motivates you and stick to your guns.  For me this year I am motivated to find better work-life balance and find a job that isn’t slowly killing me on the inside because of the stress, anxiety, and constant pressure.

My resolution is simple “I will start a new job this year!” 

I’ve been at my current company for almost 9 years now and it is time to move on.  I have been financially smart so I am happy to move on to a gig that makes significantly less money.

I am motivated to do this because I want to be happy again and regain my excitement for the future.  I have come to realize that my current job has made me so stressed that I am too inwardly focused and I don’t look forward to the future anymore.

While I should be enjoying priceless moments with my young children and I constantly worried about work and never enjoying the present moment or looking forward to the future with optimism.  I’m not getting any younger as I approach my mid-forties so I know deep down that I need to make some changes.  I have lost connections with friends and family that I need to establish.


Everything in life can be much  harder/challenging when you are in a job you hate.  You spend so much time at your job that it can permeate all aspects of your life if your not careful.  That’s what happened to me.  But now I fully recognize this.  There is no time like the present to make a life change and I have decided I will start a new job this year!

I don’t care how tired and drained I am after work.  I will network, and look for a job every day until I make this a reality.

As we embark on a new year I hope you can find the resolve to make your resolution a reality!

Good luck and let’s get em in 2019!


In the constant pursuit of happiness, balance, and financial freedom.

1 Comment

  1. I already started my new years resolution. So far I have two. The first one is to stop drinking Pepsi, so far I have gone two months without drinking Pepsi. The other is stop gambling or cut down on the gambling.

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