I haven’t had a drop of alcohol in 5 months. I can’t tell you how proud I am of that accomplishment! I’ve been drinking on and off for close to 20 years and realized that this behavior has to be causing damage to my body and that I’m not getting any younger so it was time to stop. I would only drink on Friday and Saturday but I knew I needed to break the cycle.  Especially once I came to the realization that I’m an alcoholic.

If you are struggling with alcohol addiction I highly recommend the Sober Grid app.  The community and the counter was just what I needed to stay motivated and accountable to a community.  Knowing how many days I have gone since my last drink keeps me from wanting to start over and the community is super supportive.  It’s completely free so give it a try if you want to stop drinking.

I will say at first it was not easy.  I enjoy the sensation of drinking and the lightheaded buzz it provides.  But I have come to realize that it was a short-lived relief.  While I wouldn’t care about my job stress while I was drinking it would wear off and I would feel even worse than before.

I would also feel groggy and lethargic the next day.  This is really bad when you consider that I have 2 kids and I would just feel like sleeping when we should be outside playing and running around.

At work I wouldn’t be mentally sharp.  And on top of that I was binge eating a bunch of junk food at night along with my weekend binge drinking.  A bad combination.  I was essentially wiping out all of my hard work in the gym and healthy eating every weekend.

Surprising results after 5 months of not drinking

I didn’t lose any weight

This was probably my biggest surprise.  I thought I was going to lose a ton of weight but that hasn’t happened yet. This is in large part due to my love for sweets. I have increased my sugar intake since I stopped drinking. My weakness is Golden Oreos.  I can eat an enter pack of thins in an evening and not even bat an eye!    I believe my body still craves the sugar from alcohol.  So I have replaced those calories from wine with cookies, cake, and ice cream.  I know, I sound like a real lard ass!  My next step is now to reduce my sugar intake.

My anxiety improved

The alcohol must have been altering the chemical balance in my brain.  I’ve found that slowly over time my mood has improved.  Don’t get me wrong, I can still get pretty depressed but the lows are not as low anymore.  Alcohol really is a poison. In general I have a much more positive outlook on life and my future!

I’m more productive


Since I stopped drinking I got an online marketing certificate, I’ve increased my blogging frequency exponentially, and I’ve hit some strength/fitness goals at the gym.  When you aren’t hungover and losing a day during the weekend it’s amazing how much more you can accomplish.  I remember the bad feeling I would have every Sunday morning at church as I was fighting a hangover and trying to make the most of the day with my family.  I never want to relive that feeling again.  It sucked!

I have more energy

I can now keep up with kids (3 and 8) and I am able to have more effective workouts. I’m sure my liver is also healing after almost 2 decades of drinking.  Hopefully it is able to regenerate itself!

I’m getting better sleep

I sleep better now and don’t wake up as exhausted or in the middle of the night.  When I was drinking I would pass out but I would just feel exhausted.

I look better

Alcohol is an inflammatory substance and can cause swelling in your body.  For me it gave me a fat face.  I hated the way I looked after drinking, fat cheeks and bags under my eyes.  I have gotten numerous comments like “Wow have you lost weight” (I haven’t) and “You are looking good”!

Saving money

I spent alot of money on alcohol each week.  I would buy saki and white wine which can really add up. I was spending about $30 per week and sometimes much more.

Some people will be upset your aren’t drinking

On some of my recent business trips my coworkers almost seemed offended that I would not drink with them.  A few seemed genuinely upset.  I don’t have to answer to them and thought to myself “screw them”!  Ha ha.  Seems like they were uncomfortable with my choice.  If you want to look cool at work events order a tonic water with a lime.  Some people might think you are drinking vodka or gin.  You can also order any drink as a “virgin”.

You will notice when other people are drunk

I’ve now notice at social events when others have over indulged.And I think to myself “Wow…that used to be me.  Not cool at all”.

I’m so thankful I’ve been able to beat the vicious downward cycle of alcohol!  Please comment below if you have or are currently struggling with alcohol.


In the constant pursuit of happiness, balance, and financial freedom.

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