The Zyllion ZMA-14-BK Shiatsu Massive Cushion is a full sized massage that will simultaneously massage the back, neck and lumber area with gentle heat and firm targeted pressure. This is a top-of-the-range massage product with a very appealing price tag. But is it a good purchase?


The Zyllion ZMA-14-BK Shiatsu Massage Cushion is a full-sized massage cushion that will cover an entire seat (like a car seat). When in place, you can then sit on it and lean back in order to receive pressure from the rotating and moving massage nodes, alongside gentle heat and vibration.

Massage cushions are the best purchase for those looking for a full body massage from home and the Zyllion is one of the most feature-packed models out there. The product will strap onto most chairs and is very simple to operate.

Features and Specifications
The Zyllion Massage Cushion has four adjustable moving nodes that work simultaneously to help relax both the lower and upper body. It also comes with three levels of vibration on the cushion which works at the same time. There’s also the option to select a heated mode, while a controls allow you to direct the nodes right where you need them. You can also choose between Shiatsu and rolling massages and can opt to focus on a specific range such as your upper, lower or full back.
While some ‘Shiatsu’ chairs don’t really offer an authentic Shiatsu massage, Zyllion products always deliver and provide a number of health benefits as well as just feeling great.


The reviews for this product are excellent and really suggest that this model is a cut above some of the others.

Right now, this massage cushion has an average rating on Amazon of 4/5 stars based on 408 customers reviews.

One buyer had this to say:

“Oh man, we thought we died and went to heaven the first time we turned this on. We love this massager. We put it on top of another black comfy chair that has a stool. Our chair tilts back and we turn this on and just sleep and/or veg out. You can really feel the pressure. My neck is like a rock all the time, and this Shaitsu Massage Cushion has helped my neck and back immensely. Don’t hesitate to buy this if you are looking for a wonderful massager. This is the product and it has a warranty.”

Conclusion and Who Should Buy
Overall then, this is one of the best massage chairs on the market. Not only does it have the unique advantage of acting on three parts of the body simultaneously but it also delivers one of the most customizable and varied massage experiences on the market for a very reasonable price.

So who should consider getting one?
This product is really ideal for anyone who finds the idea of getting massaged at home whenever they want appealing. Likewise though, this will be a particularly good gift for athletes who suffer with lots of muscle soreness, for stressed individuals with high-paced, demanding jobs or for those with general back issues.



In the constant pursuit of happiness, balance, and financial freedom.

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