July 26th marked the two-year anniversary of the last time I took a drink. As I reflect on this milestone I’m surprised at how much of my life has changed since then.  Don’t get me wrong…there are still all kinds of issues in my life but it is so much better now!  For starters I no longer lose part of my weekend!

Before I would drink on Friday and Saturday evenings.  As a result I would be groggy and lethargic every Saturday and Sunday morning.  This was terrible since in effect alcohol was robbing me of time I could be spending with my wife and children.  I would still try to take them to the park but I would feel sick and hungover. I also hated the feeling of shame and disappointment I had with myself.  I would only drink wine which I would buy at the grocery store.  I could easily finish a bottle in a single evening.  I would feel awful the next morning when I would throw the empty bottle in the recycle bin.

I would also sometimes drink on Sunday evening which would make Monday mornings especially tough and would impact my performance at work.  I just wouldn’t be at my best.

Since I stopped drinking I’ve gotten a few digital marketing certifications, started a new job where I was brought in as a senior level executive, and my side businesses have grown stronger since I’ve had more energy to focus on them.  I’ve been much more productive overall and purchased another rental property and have made some pretty decent investments in the stock market. I’ve also gotten on antidepressants (Lexapro) which has been a big help for me so far.

I am blessed and so thankful that I was able to beat the demon of alcohol.  I drank on the weekends consistently for over 20 years.  I thank God that I didn’t damage my body and liver in the process.  I tried to quit so many times.  But each time I would relapse.

The last time I had a drink we were on a family vacation in Panama City Beach.  It was a great vacation but I was ashamed of myself for how much I drank during the evenings.  I remember weighing myself and seeing that I had gained several pounds on the vacation and I just didn’t like the lifestyle I was living.  So then and there I decided I would stop drinking.  I’m not sure what was different this time but I just quick cold turkey.

It was difficult at first.  I would crave a drink starting on Friday night. So to beat the cravings I started eating candy and soda.  I figured that over indulging in sugar would be better than drinking.  Then over time I started to reduce my sugar consumption.

It may sound cliche but trust me…if I can stop drinking anyone can.  I just got sick and tired of being sick and tired.  About 6 months into my sobriety and I realized that my sobriety date of July 26th is also the day that my Dad passed away.  He and I were extremely close and I miss him every day even though he died over 13 years ago.  This makes my sobriety even more special to me and I work every day to keep it.

If you are struggling with alcoholism don’t give up.  I haven’t gone to AA meetings but the app Sober Grid was a huge help for me.


In the constant pursuit of happiness, balance, and financial freedom.

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