


Anxiety sucks. I’m exhausted from constantly worrying and I know its had a negative impact on my social and work life. As we head into the new year I’ve decided that enough is enough. I want to be happy again. I also can’t imagine going on like this for the rest of my life. So I’ve finally decided to talk with a mental health professional. I really hope they can help me and at this point I am willing to try anything. When I look at my life on the surface I should be happy. I have a great wife and two happy and healthy kids. We’ve also done well financially and have no debt and a nest egg saved up for a rainy day. But unfortunately I’m anything but happy. Even though I recently got a new job I already hate it and my stress had skyrocketed. I’m starting…

Stress and anxiety at work is normal but if your not careful it can quickly get out of hand especially if you are prone to anxiety like me. You could be worrying about an upcoming presentation or a big meeting or project with a deadline looming over you.   You may be stressed out thinking that you are about to get fired. You may be dealing with a difficult boss or trying to navigate office politics.  If you’re not careful this can quickly get out of control and you will be in a constant state of anxiety which is awful. I’ve been there so I know this feeling first hand.  Here are some tips to help you deal with work anxiety. Remember it’s just a job At the end of the day it’s important to remember it’s just a job.  If you screw up the world is not going to end. …

After years of struggling with anxiety I’ve finally decided to seek professional help. I’m planning to talk with a psychiatrist and get a prescription for an antidepressant. My wife is asking me to do it and I’ve finally decided that I want to be happy and truly at peace.  Not sure if this will help but at this point I figure it is worth a shot.  I am in a constant state of anxiety that is only getting worse. It doesn’t matter how much money I make or have or what I try to do.  The anxiety is always there.  So I’ll be making an appointment soon.  I don’t care about the stigma that surrounds seeking help for mental health. Being at peace would be so great!  I don’t even remember what it was like to not have an ever present feeling of dread and anxiety.  Guess I really haven’t…

This time of year it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays.  For the last decade or so I’ve worked in retail so this is always the busiest time of the year for me.  I’m usually just glad and relieved to survive another crazy holiday season on the job.  Heck, I’ve only had one Thanksgiving with my family in the last 10 years.  That was the year my daughter was born so my wife didn’t go out of town to visit with her parents. But it’s good to sometime pause and just be thankful for what you have in your life.  As cliche as it sounds you really should do this.  My new job isn’t going well and I’m not sure if I will quit soon or get fired but I’ve taken some time to reflect on all I have to be thankful for…

Taking a walk outside and experiencing the great outdoors can be a great way to help relieve stress and anxiety.  When I’ve been stressed and feeling anxious, sometimes going to the lake and walking around with my family and crazy kids is just what I need to melt away the worry and anxiety. Just walking around in the tranquil environment helps improve my overall mood and stops my negative thoughts. Also spending time with my family is nice and helps us connect after a hectic week that keeps us apart for extended periods of time most days. Feeling the sun on my skin and breathing the fresh air really helps put everything in perspective.  It’s also a nice bonus when you get to see some interesting wild life.  On our latest walk we saw 2 two egrets which are beautiful birds. There is just something about hearing the wind…

Back in the early 2000’s around 03’or ’04 I decided to set aside some money each month and invest it in a Vanguard S&P 500 brokerage account.  I just put in on auto-pilot so that each month the funds would automatically be deposited in the account. I think I started about $100 per month.  I kept doing it and and now fast forward to 2019 and this account now has a decent balance of over $135K. Over the years I slowly increased the amount I was depositing.  The moral of this story is that I was my own best friend. At the time I was looking out for my future self!  As I look back now 15 years or so I just want to thank myself! This doesn’t mean that your shouldn’t have Friends or isolate yourself.  It just means that you should look for ways to more self-reliant and…

Just relax, chill out, take it easy.  If you are dealing with anxiety then you know this is easier said than done. But learning to relax and find balance is critical to your happiness and overall long term health. If you’ve been reading my blog for some time then you know how much I hate my current job.  This can make it hard or dang near impossible for me to relax.  And if I’m not careful the stress and anxiety from my current job situation  can seep in to all aspects of my life. Especially during the weekend. As a side note I am focused on getting out of this situation with my ultimate goal being to exit the corporate rat race all together. This is always top of mind for me and helps drive my long term financial thinking.  As I continue to deal with my crazy work situation…

For as long as I can remember I have dreaded going to the doctor.  I’m not sure when it started but if I had to guess it has to do with the fact that my Mom was sick most of my childhood.  She had Multiple Sclerosis and I watched it destroy her body over the course of almost three decades.  Sometimes it felt like she lived at the doctor’s office and the sad thing was they could do very little to improve her quality of life. My fear of going to the doctor is so bad that when I get my blood pressure taken it usually skyrockets into the high blood  pressure zone.  I eventually was diagnosed with “white-coat hypertension” after being monitored for weeks and taking my blood pressure at home daily. White coat sucks because the fear seems to feed on itself.  Every time I felt the blood…

If you are stressed out then you know how hard it can be to get a good nights sleep.  You probably toss and turn throughout the night worrying and feeling anxious trying to quiet your mind.  The slightest noise can keep you up for hours. If you’re an adult the National Sleep Foundation recommends 7-9 hours a night. Sleeping less than seven hours per day puts you at an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and frequent mental distress.  Need any more convincing? Sleep is critical to your overall health so you must make it a priority.  Here are some tips to get more sleep. Exercise every day Don’t bring your phone or tablet to bed Avoid alcohol and caffeine several hours before bed Make sure your bedroom is cool and comfortable Avoid distractions and keep your bedroom quiet Until recently I really struggled with…

Stress is a fact of life. It is defined as “physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension.” The most common sources of stress are finances, work, and health. It is not always harmful as stress can cause you to be more productive but over time chronic stress and anxiety can wear you down mentally and physically. I’ve learned this the hard way! Stress Statistics 75% of adults reported experiencing moderate to high levels of stress in the past month and nearly half reported that their stress has increased in the past year – American Psychological Association. 80% of workers feel stress on the job and nearly half say they need help in learning how to manage stress. And 42% say their co-workers need such help – American Institute of Stress. Depression is among the leading causes of disability worldwide – World Health Organization 52% of adults say financial issues regularly…